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Meet the Systane Family - Designed for All Dry Eye Needs


Explore the Systane® family of products with specially designed formulations for all types of patients’ Dry Eye needs. Find the Systane® solution that is right for your patient, depending on their symptoms and underlying causes. Also, learn more about Systane® proprietary HP-Guar® intelligent delivery system.



Hydroxypropyl-guar or HP-Guar® acts as a gelling agent, creating an elastic matrix on the corneal surface upon installation2, producing a protective environment and forming a bio-adhesive gel that binds specifically to the hydrophobic regions of the cornea, where integrity is compromised3.


Benefits of HP-Guar® include:

  • Increased retention4
  • Prolonged protection4
  • Greater hydration and lubrication compared to HA alone4


HP Guar

For All/Mixed Dry Eye


Some patients suffer from a combination of both the Evaporative Dry Eye, with tears evaporating too quickly, and the Aqueous Deficient Dry Eye, where the lacrimal gland doesn’t produce enough tear fluid5.


For Evaporative Dry Eye


As the name suggests, tears evaporate too quickly but lacrimation (watering) is normal5. One of the leading causes is Meibomian Gland Dysfunction (MGD)5.


For Aqueous Deficient Eye


Aqueous Deficient Dry Eye indicates Dry Eye as a result of a lacrimal gland tear secretion defect. Essentially, the lacrimal gland doesn't produce enough tear fluid5.


Also learn more about our new Multi-Dose PRESERVATIVE-FREE products.


1. Based on internal calculations using third-party data; Alcon data on file, 2019.

2. Clark L. Springs, Novel Hydroxypropyl-Guar Gellable Lubricant Eye Drops for Treatment of Dry Eye, Adv Ther (2010); 3. Labetoulle M, et al. Br J Ophthalmol 2017;101:487–492.

3. Mrukwa-Kominek E, Baranska K, Jadczyk K. First clinical reports on the application of the moderndualpolymer formula in aqueous deficiency dry eye syndrome: Polish observations. Presented at the20th ESCRS Winter Meeting; February 26-28, 2016, Athens, Greece.

4. Rangarajan R, Kraybill B, Ogundele A, Ketelson H. Effects of a Hyaluronic Acid/Hydroxypropyl Guar Artificial Tear Solution on Protection, Recovery, and Lubricity in Models of Corneal Epithelium. J. Ocul. Pharmacol. Ther. 2015;31(8):491-497.

5. Bron et al. TFOS DEWS II Pathophysiology Report The Ocular Surface 2017; 15(3): 438-510.


See instructions for use, precautions, warnings and contraindications