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Delivery Devices

Unique delivery options that meet your
individual needs of consistency,
efficiency and control.

Delivery Devices


Unique delivery options that meet your individual needs of consistency, efficiency and control.


Clareon® AutonoMe® Automated Preloaded Delivery System


The ultimate experience of control.

An image of the Clareon AutonoMe Automated Preloaded Delivery System being held by a hand in a blue surgical glove. The hand is holding the device as one would hold a pen and appears on a blue background.

AcrySof® IQ UltraSert® Preloaded Delivery System


Gain consistency in IOL delivery, injection control and enhance the efficiency of your OR.

An image of the AcrySof IQ UltraSert Preloaded Delivery System. The device appears on a blue background.

Clareon® Monarch® IV Delivery System


Designed specifically for Clareon® IOLs.

An image of the Clareon Monarch IV Delivery System being held by a hand in a blue surgical glove. The hand is holding the device as one would hold a pen and appears on a blue background.

Monarch® III Delivery System


Reusable manual delivery system for the AcrySof® Family of IOLs.

An image of the Monarch III IOL Delivery System. The device appears on a blue background.

Alcon Experience Academy


For relevant training content from industry thought leaders

To be distributed to healthcare professionals only.

This Site may contain information on worldwide products and services, not all of which are available in Singapore.