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DAILIES TOTAL1™ Contact Lenses
The lens that feels like nothing1
This is what a contact lens should feel like
The total package for your customers, with 2 contact lens technologies:
Cross Section of DAILIES TOTAL1™ with Water Gradient Technology2,3*
Water content gradually increases towards the surface to surround the eye in a CUSHION OF MOISTURE2,3*
SmarTears™ Technology
This unique technology features the intuitive release of phosphatidylcholine, an ingredient found in natural tears, from the lens into the tear film.7
DAILIES TOTAL1™ superiority in lens-surface moisture breakup time
Thanks to SmarTears™ Technology and Water Gradient material, DAILIES TOTAL1™ contact lenses demonstrated LONGER LENS-SURFACE MOISTURE BREAKUP TIME4-6**
*Based on an in vitro study wherein wettability was measured using the iDDropSystem. All lenses were tested in an identical manner, soaked in a PBS (phosphate-buffered saline solution) for 16 hours +/-2 hours (p<0.001).
^Trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
DAILIES TOTAL1™ Technical Specifications
Talk to your Alcon representative to learn more about DAILIES TOTAL1™.
For your presbyopic customers, consider DAILIES TOTAL1™ Multifocal lenses
The first and only water gradient contact lens for presbyobes.
^Trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
1. Perez-Gomez I, Giles T. European survey of contact lens wearers and eye care professionals on satisfaction with a new water gradient daily disposable contact lens. Clinical Optometry. 2014;6:17-23.
2. Thekveli S, Qui Y, Kapoor Y, et al. Structure-property relationship of delefilcon A lenses. Cont Lens Anterior Eye. 2012;35(suppl 1):e14.
3. Angelini TE, Nixon RM, Dunn AC, et al. Viscoelasticity and mesh-size at the surface of hydrogels characterized with microrheology. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2013;54:E-abstract 500.
4. Tucker B, Leveillee E, Bauman E, Subbaraman L. Characterization of the Surface Properties of a Novel Daily Disposable Silicone Hydrogel Contact Lens. Poster presented at the 2019 American Academy of Optometry Annual Conference, October 23-26; Orlando FL.
5. IDDrop Comparative Study DACP and BioTrue ONEday Report; Alcon data on file, 2019.
6. IDDrop Comparative Study Oasys 1 Day and TruEye; Alcon data on file, 2019.
7. Pitt W, Jack D, Zhao Y, Nelson J, Pruitt J. Loading and release of a phospholipid from contact lenses. Optom Vis Sci. 2011;88(4):502-506.
Important safety information
See instructions for use, for wear, care, precautions, warnings, contraindications and adverse effects.