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Advanced digital
technologies that
work for you. 


Alcon. Services Evolved.

Global field service engineers dedicated to your practice


Alcon. Services Evolved.

Transforming performance by enhancing 
the services that we provide


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with proactive rather than reactive services, giving you peace of mind.


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by utilizing your data, with personalized device optimization to streamline device usage processes.


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by utilizing remote and predictive analytics, with centralized fleet management to improve performance capabilities.


Our advanced approach to service delivery is designed to create optimal patient outcomes with:


Secure remote technologies for centralized monitoring from 
one to multiple practices.


Real-time remote software updates without impacting surgery time.


Personalized device optimization driving device performance through data insights.


Predictive analytics driven by log and machine data learning 
allow for more efficient, proactive service to prevent unplanned downtime.


First time fix maximized with automated predictive spare 
parts ordering.


Predictive preventative maintenance to optimize maintenance scheduling.

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Alcon Services delivered sustainably


We are committed to reducing Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions and creating global carbon neutral operations by 2030.1


In 2023, Our equipment reprocessing system contributed to Alcon’s reduction of landfill waste by 102 metric tons.1

By 2030, Alcon will divert 100% of non-hazardous waste generated at manufacturing sites and distribution centers from landfills.1


By 2030, Alcon’s remote service capabilities will contribute to Alcon becoming carbon neutral across global operations.1


1Alcon 2023 Social Impact and Sustainability Report

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