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Help patients understand the impact of digital device use 
on their eyes — and how Alcon WaterInnovationsTM 
can help them outsmart Digital Device Dryness.

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Fast Facts

Many people don’t understand the impact digital devices have on their eyes.1-3 Use these Fast Facts to help patients make the connection between screen time and Digital Device Dryness

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Staff Talking Points

The Alcon WaterInnovationsTM portfolio of contact lenses can transform the wearing experience. Use these talking points to help your staff start a conversation with contact lens patients. 

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Social Posts

With these easy-to-share social posts, your practice can proactively start the Digital Device Dryness conversation and encourage patients to follow up at their next visit. 

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Email Blast

Send this email to your mailing list to help proactively educate your patients on Digital Device Dryness – and how the Alcon WaterInnovationsTM portfolio can help overcome the discomfort.4-6

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Website Content

Dynamic website content makes it easy to educate patients and new wearers on Digital Device Dryness and provides simple solutions to help them outsmart these common symptoms.  

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WaterInnovationsTM Logo Video

Bring a dynamic touch to your practice with the WaterInnovations animated logo. It's a simple yet effective way to keep your brand lively and informative on any screen. 

    See product instructions for complete wear, care and safety information. RX Only Log

    1. Wolffsohn JS, Lingham G, Downie LE, et al. TFOS Lifestyle: Impact of the digital environment on the ocular surface. Ocul Surf. 2023;28:213-252.
    2. Tsubota K, Nakamori K. Dry eyes and video display terminals. N Engl J Med. 1993;328(8):584.
    3. Patel S, Henderson R, Bradley L, et al. Effect of visual display unit use on blink rate and tear stability. Optom Vis Sci 1991;68(11):888-892. 
    4. Perez-Gomez I, Giles T. European survey of contact lens wearers and eye care professionals on satisfaction with a new water gradient daily disposable contact lens. Clin Optom. 2014;6:17-23.
    5. In a clinical study wherein patients (n=66) used CLEAR CARE® solution for nightly cleaning, disinfecting, and storing; Alcon data on file, 2021. 
    6. Fogt J, Patton K. Long day wear experience with water surface daily disposable contact lenses. Clin Optom. 2022(14):93-99.

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