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AutonoMe™ Delivery System


The ultimate experience of control at every step1

AutonoMe™ Delivery System


The ultimate experience of control at every step1


AutonoMe™ an automated, disposable, pre-loaded IOL delivery system.


Intuitive Control for a Smooth IOL Delivery1-3 

Circle with a partially blue border with the remaining part of the border coloured as grey. Text in the middle of the circle reads “68 percent”, to describe the percentage of surgeons that found the delivery speed easy to control with this device. Close up shot of the AutonoMe Delivery System’s speed control lever is to the right of the circle.
Circle with a partially blue border with the remaining part of the border coloured as grey. Text in the middle of the circle reads “68 percent”, to describe the percentage of surgeons that found the delivery speed easy to control with this device. Close up shot of the AutonoMe Delivery System’s speed control lever is to the right of the circle.

68% of surgeons found the delivery speed easy to control2*



The responsive speed control lever2 
  • Provides full control of plunger advancement
  • Allows surgeons to precisely start, stop and linearly adjust speed at any time during surgery
  • Helps surgeons focus more on the patient
Circle with a partially blue border with the remaining part of the border coloured as grey. Text in the middle of the circle reads “70 percent”, to describe the percentage of surgeons that rated the overall experience of AutonoMe as smooth and effortless. Close up shot of the AutonoMe Delivery System’s inner spring sits on the left of the circle.
Circle with a partially blue border with the remaining part of the border coloured as grey. Text in the middle of the circle reads “70 percent”, to describe the percentage of surgeons that rated the overall experience of AutonoMe as smooth and effortless. Close up shot of the AutonoMe Delivery System’s inner spring sits on the left of the circle.

70% of surgeons rated the overall experience of AutonoMe™ as smooth and effortless2†


A unique delivery mechanism2,3


  • Smooth, automated IOL delivery of up to 3 mm/sec
  • Steady and continual motion providing a new level of control over IOL delivery speed

*Ease of controlling plunger advancement during IOL delivery; percent of total participants (n=136) from US, EU, Brazil & Japan. Study was conducted with porcine cadaver eyes (6 eyes per participant with over 800 eyes in total).  
Surgeons most commonly answered “Smooth” (43%) and “Effortless” (27%). Percent of total participants n=136 participants from US, EU, Brazil & Japan. Study was conducted with porcine cadaver eyes (6 eyes per participant with over 800 eyes in total).

Designed to fit comfortably in surgeons’ hands for intuitive single-handed control of the device1-3


  • Designed for a natural fit to suit multiple surgical techniques, with no injection force required


  • Single-handed design frees the second hand for globe stabilisation


  • Precise control of nozzle tip orientation allows for consistent delivery of the IOL into the capsular bag

Designed to fit comfortably in surgeons’ hands for intuitive single-handed control of the device1-3


  • Designed for a natural fit to suit multiple surgical techniques, with no injection force required


  • Single-handed design frees the second hand for globe stabilisation


  • Precise control of nozzle tip orientation allows for consistent delivery of the IOL into the capsular bag


Preserves Wound Integrity4*

AutonoMe™ features a proprietary depth guard1,4

  • Allows reduced stress and damage to the surrounding tissue
  • Control of nozzle insertion depth
  • Minimised incision enlargement*
  • Greater resistance to nozzle tip splitting
  • Precise delivery into the capsular bag



*Ex-vivo, exploratory laboratory study performed on 32 human cadaver eyes.

Close up shot of the AutonoMe nozzle tip in front of a black background. A blue circle is placed over the device to draw attention to the nozzle tip.

The AutonoMe™ nozzle tip is designed to maintain wound integrity by5*

  • Preserving corneal tissue
  • Minimising damage to Descemet’s membrane
Two related images beside each other. The first image is a close-up of the AutonoMe nozzle tip, with text indicating that the length of the tip is 3.0mm, and diameter of the tip is 2.0mm. Blue text at the top of this image reads “Nozzle Tip Dimensions.”    The second image is of the pre- and post- implantation process for AutonoMe, Vivinex, and Tecnis. Blue text at the top of this image reads “OCT images of post-implantation incisions ex vivo.” Red arrows on top of the Vivinex and Tecnis images point to membrane tearing post implantation ex vivo.


*Study conducted on 32 human cadaver eyes that were randomly assigned to receive IOLs implanted with the preloaded delivery devices.

Trademarks are the property of their respective owners

AutonoMe™ demonstrates low incidence of Descemet’s membrane detachment, compared to other delivery systems5

Bar graph illustrates the “the percentage of Descemet’s membrane detachment ex vivo in human cadaver eyes.” AutonoMe reports the lowest occurrence of 6.25 percent, while Vivinex iSert and iTec reports 25 and 43.75, respectively.  The difference between AutonoMe and iTec was statically significant.

*Trademarks are the property of their respective owners. 
Denotes a statistically significant difference (p=0.037) from AutonoMe™ using a Fisher’s exact test.​

Easier to Use than Competitor Devices


AutonoMe™ is reported to be easier to use compared to iTec* and iSert*2†

AutonoMe Delivery System in between two blue circles. The circle on the left is visually representing 80 percent. White text underneath this circle reads “80% of surgeons reported AutonoMe as easier to use vs. iTec.” The circle on the right is visually representing 64 percent. White text underneath this circle reads “64% of surgeons reported AutonoMe as easier to use vs. Vivinex iSert.”

*Trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Porcine whole eye globes were used as the model in this study, as this model is extensively used for cataract surgery and IOL implantation studies.

AutonoMe™ is ready to use in 3 simple steps1

Illustration of the AutonoMe Delivery System. A black arrow points towards the device with text that reads “Viscoelastic Port.” A second black arrow points towards the nozzle tip with text that reads “Fill viscoelastic to nozzle tip”. Blue icon of a thermometer.

Illustration of a hand holding an AutonoMe Delivery System. A black arrow points away from the device’s cartridge to indicate a pulling movement. Illustration of an AutonoMe Delivery System’s plunger/cartridge piece. A dark blue arrow points towards the folded IOL in the AutonoMe cartridge with text that reads “Pause Location.”

Illustration of a hand holding an AutonoMe Delivery System. A black arrow points towards the device to indicate a pushing down movement. Blue icon of a clock.

Learn how to use the

AutonoMe™ Delivery System.



AutonoMe™ is Pre-Loaded
with Clareon™ IOL 


Clareon™ IOL offers outstanding refractive outcomes and unsurpassed clarity that lasts.6-14

AutonoMe™ is Pre-Loaded with Clareon™ IOL 


Clareon™ IOL offers outstanding refractive outcomes and unsurpassed clarity that lasts.6-14


Technical Specifications1


*Please refer to relevant product IFU for qualified combinations of cartridges and their use with Clareon™ family of IOLs in Monofocal, Toric, PanOptix™, PanOptix™Toric, and Vivity™

Instructions for Use (IFU)


For a full list of indications, contraindications and warnings, please visit and refer to the relevant product’s instructions for use.

Alcon Experience Academy


For relevant training content from industry thought leaders


1. Clareon™ AutonoMe™ Directions for Use.
2. Nozzle Preference and Delivery System Performance Study between AutonoMe and UltraSert V3.5 - TDOC 0053876 
3. Verification Report, IOL Inserter Plunger Speed Testing. Alcon internal document REF-04194.
4. Liu J, Wolfe P, Hernandez V, Kohnen T. Comparative assessment of the corneal incision enlargement of 4 preloaded IOL delivery systems. J Cataract Refract Surg. 2020 Jul;46(7):1041-1046.
5. Alcon Data on File. TDOC-0054429.
6. Werner L, Thatthamla I, Ong M, et al. Evaluation of clarity characteristics in a new hydrophobic acrylic IOL. J Cataract Refract Surg. 2019;45:1490-1497.
7. Clareon™ IOL Directions for Use.
8. Alcon Data on File, 2017. [TDOC-0050244]
9. Alcon Data on File, 2017. [TDOC-0054028]
10. Alcon Data on File, 2017. [TDOC-0053564]
11. Alcon Data on File, 2017. [TDOC-0053584]
12. Alcon Data on File, 2020. [TDOC-0057291]
13. Stanojcic N, O’Brart D, Hull C, et al. Visual and refractive outcomes and glistenings occurrence after implantation of 2 hydrophobic acrylic aspheric monofocal IOLs. J Cataract Refract Surg. 2020;46(7):986-994.
14. Oshika T, Fujita Y, Inamura M, Miyata K. Mid-term and long-term clinical assessments of a new 1-piece hydrophobic acrylic IOL with hydroxyethyl methacrylate.  J Cataract Refract Surg. 2020;46(5):682-687.


Medical Devices manufactured by Alcon comply with all applicable laws and regulations. For indications, contraindications, warnings and serious incidents please refer to the relevant product’s direction for use or operator manuals.