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MIGS Devices

Your MIGS Choice Matters

MIGS Devices

Your MIGS Choice Matters


Hydrus® Microstent


The First-of-its-kind MIGS device to report significant safety and effectiveness outcomes from a pivotal trial at 5 years.1,2

An image of the Hydrus Microstent device appearing over a light-blue background.

Alcon Experience Academy


For relevant training content from industry thought leaders

1. Ahmed IIK, et al. Long-term outcomes from the HORIZON randomized trial for Schlemm’s Canal microstent in combination cataract and glaucoma surgery. Ophthalmology. 2022;129(7):742-751.

2. NIH. Safety & effectiveness study of the Hydrus Microstent for lowering IOP in glaucoma patients undergoing cataract surgery (HORIZON). (NCT01539239).


Please refer to relevant product direction for use for list of indications, contraindications and warnings.

Hydrus Microstent GC9968021-56734

Registered under Act 737

The content is intended for Healthcare Professionals only, not for general public.