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Alcon Experience Center Barcelona

Basic Surgical Retina Course

Course Details

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Dates of courses


May 10th

June 7th

October 11th

November 15th


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Surgeons willing to be introduced to the basics of vitreoretinal surgery and its instrumentation.

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To be introduced to fundamental knowledge of basic vitreoretinal surgery, the instrumentation involved and its accessories. The course will also provide some limited hands-on opportunity with the technology involved.

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• Dr. Salvador Pastor-Idoate (June 7th, November 15th)

• Dr. Kurt Spiteri Cornish (May 10th, October 11th)

• Dr. Siddharth Subramani (May 10th, October 11th)


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Course Topics

  • Disease management and surgical treatments
    Macular holes Macular pucker Membranes Vitreous opacities Retinal tears and detachments Dropped crystalline lens/nucleus fragments
  • Vitreous substitutes and staining compounds and their use
    Tamponades – physics and clinical indications Air, gas, silicone oil, PFCL Stains and adjuncts
  • Preparing for a pars plana vitrectomy
    Operating room setup/layout Preparing the patient/eye Define approach and techniques Trocar cannula and infusion setups
  • Case presentations
    Surgical equipment and instruments used in the PPV
    An introduction to vitrectomy consoles and their evolution An introduction to vitrectomy probes and their evolution A deeper dive into the main functions of a vitrectomy console Pumps – advantages and disadvantages Illumination – sources and illumination fibers Infusion systems Viscous Fluid Controllers LASER systems and wavelengths Endo and LIO Viewing systems – contact and non-contact Types and their advantages and disadvantages Hand instruments Forceps, scissors Endocryopexy
  • Dry lab
    Set up CONSTELLATION® Vision System Pumps  Illumination  Fluid controllers Lasers  Endoillumination and LIO Viewing systems – setup and appropriate use (Microscope & BIOM®) Preparing for vitrectomy, insertion of trocars, setting up infusion line, core vitrectomy, retinotomy Use of perfluorocarbons (heavy liquid), fluid-air exchange, use of dyes, membrane peeling

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