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Alcon Experience Center Barcelona

Basic Cataract Course

Course Details

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Dates of courses


March 1st

May 17th

July 12th

November 8th


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New surgeons (residents included) with limited experience in cataract surgery.

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Acquire the knowledge and skills needed to effectively perform safe pre-op assessment, measurement, phacoemulsification and lens implantation.

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• Prof. Biljana Kuzmanović Elabjer

• Dr. Sarah Maling

• Dr. Mayank Nanavaty (March 1st & May 17th)

• Prof. Dr. Sorcha Ní Dhubhghaill (July 12th & November 8th)


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Course Topics

  • Cataract surgery planning
    Pre-operative preparations, investigation, understanding patient expectations
  • Understanding your equipment
    Optical biometry and IOL calculation formula Common mistakes to avoid and understanding validation criteria
  • Intraoperative complication identification and management  Wound related, capsulotomy related, posterior capsule rupture/tear, dropped nucleus
  • Getting biometry right
    Optical biometry and IOL calculation formula Common mistakes to avoid and understanding validation criteria
  • Surgery step by step
    Incisions and wound architecture Capsulorrhexis (CCC) Hydrodissection and hydrodelineation Lens removal, basics of different phaco technique Cortex removal IOL implantation, delivery techniques, and visco removal Wound closure
  • Post-operative considerations
    Post-operative medication Patient guidance Follow up (checking IOL target refraction/centration)
  • Dry lab / Wet lab
    Fidelis™ Surgical Simulator – steps practice Wet lab – phacoemulsification procedure


World Trade Center Almeda Park


Plaça de La Pau s/n.

Building 8, 3rd Floor

08940 Cornellá de Llobregat

Barcelona, Spain 

Map image

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