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Alcon Experience Center Barcelona

Basic Biometry Course

Course Details

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Dates of courses


February 9th

May 17th


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Surgeons (residents included), optometrists and technicians eager to learn biometry and IOL Power Calculations to improve cataract outcome.

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Acquire knowledge on different aspects of biometry and IOL Power Calculations to optimize patient outcomes.

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• Dr. Miguel Raimundo


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Course Topics

  • Why good biometry is important
    Common sources of error, different components for IOL Power calculation Effective Lens Position (ELP) Lens Constant – What is it and is it possible to optimize? How can you work with it and improve your lens choice?
  • Understanding axial length measurements
    Steps to acquire good measurements Commons mistakes to avoid and understanding validation criteria
  • Understanding astigmatism
    Understanding astigmatism Role of posterior corneal astigmatism Understanding Surgical Induced Astigmatism (SIA) and calculation
  • Choosing post-operative target refraction case scenarios for discussion
    Normal cases from daily practice Case studies for interaction
  • Understanding your diagnostic devices
    Biometer – acoustic contact, immersion, optical biometer SS-OCT Topographers (basics of topography in relation to biometry)
  • Understanding corneal power measurements (keratometry)
    Understand how keratometry is measured in different equipment (if it is anterior keratometry or total corneal power keratometry) Understand the relation between anterior and posterior Steps to acquire good measurement Common mistakes to avoid and understanding validation criteria
  • IOL calculation formulae overview
    Normal eye Hyperopic eye and myopic eye Bag-to-sulcus conversion
  • Dry lab / Wet lab
    ARGOS® Biometer Online IOL Calculator Exercises (ESCRS IOL Calculator Barrett Universal II­universal2105/)

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