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Support your loved ones who have been diagnosed with cataract

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Tips to help a loved one diagnosed with cataract


When you were young, your mom and dad were always there for you when you needed them. They helped and supported you in countless ways.


Now, as they age, it is your turn to help. Age brings many challenges and one of these is loss in vision clarity. Anyone over the age of 50 years can begin to have vision problems. These go from hazy vision to being unable to drive at night, to seeing haloes around lights, needing brighter light to read, and fear of falling.


All these could be early signs of cataract. So how can you help? Here is how.


Persuade mom or dad to go for a through eye check and if they are diagnosed with cataract and the doctor recommends surgery, encourage them to act straightaway.


Learn more about cataract through a credible source: what causes it, its symptoms, what happens during cataract surgery and the innovative solutions available to restore vision clarity.


The more you know and understand the more you will be able to reassure your parents that cataract is often a part of ageing; it can be removed through safe, effective surgery and can give them back the joy of seeing and doing everything they did before.


Ask the doctor for all the necessary details on the surgery process, the intraocular lenses available, and which ones would be the most suitable option for your parents. Again, go to a credible source to learn more about these cataract solutions.


If mom or dad wear spectacles, then explain to them how cataract surgery can help them get rid of these. There are IOLs available that help people achieve spectacle independence.

Understand the information and the eye surgeon’s recommendations. If they are worried about the cost of the IOL, encourage them to see the value of clear vision and independence over the cost. Remind them that they deserve the best vision medical science can offer! Help them to make the right choice of the IOL.


Accompany them on the day of surgery. After surgery, take them home and make them comfortable. Make sure that they follow all instructions about post-surgery care. Finally, remind them about their follow-up appointments.

Two smiling people checking something on the computer
Ophthalmologist talking to the patient
Ophthalmologist talking to the patient



You have options when it comes to your intraocular lenses. Lead the conversation with your doctor to understand the cataract lens choice that’s right for you.


Ophthalmologist talking to the patient
Ophthalmologist talking to the patient



Use the Practice Locator tool to locate a surgeon near you who offers a range of cataract lens options.


Ophthalmologist talking to the patient
Ophthalmologist talking to the patient



Have you or your loved one been diagnosed with cataracts? Take this quiz to check if you know enough about cataracts and cataract surgery.