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Dry Eye Products

All in one eye drop for dry eye relief1,2,3

Systane® COMPLETE is the all-in-one eye drop that protects and replenishes all layers of the tear film. Now preservative free.


Systane COMPLETE pack shot

Always read the label. Follow the directions for use. If symptoms persist, talk to your health professional.




  • Relieves all types of dry eye for up to 8 hours4
  • Systane® COMPLETE uses unique advanced technology to moisturise, restore and stabilise the tear film
  • HP-Guar to allow retention of moisture and relieve dry eye symptoms
  • Nano-sized lipid droplet technology to minimise blurring and provide optimal surface coverage on your eyes
  • Simple choice to relieve all types of dry eyes1,2
  • Protects and replenishes all layers of tear film1,2
  • Provides optimal relief, fast hydration and evaporative protection1,2


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    Common dry eye symptoms include dry, itchy, burning, gritty, tired and watery eyes. If you are concerned with any of these symptoms, please consult your optometrist or health care practitioner.

    We suggest to wait 5 minutes between using multiple eye drops.


    Systane® lubricant eye drops can be used as needed throughout the day. We recommend 1 to 2 drops in the affected eyes and then blink

    Systane® COMPLETE is an all-in-one eye drop to relieve the symptoms of multiple types of dry eye.
    Systane® COMPLETE features nano-droplet technology to prevent tear evaporation and delivers optimal dry eye relief and fast hydration1,2.
    Systane® COMPLETE addresses all layers of the tear film and can help relieve the symptoms of all types of dry eye including aqueous deficient, evaporative/lipid deficient, or mixed dry eyes for 8 hours3,4*.

    *Aqueous deficient, evaporative and mixed dry eye.


    1. Alcon DOF Nanoemulsion for MGD [DMGD001] 2013, available on request.
    2. Ketelson H, Rangarajan R; Pre-clinical evaluation of a novel phospholipid nanoemulsion based lubricant eye drops. Poster presented at ARVO 2017, sponsored by Nopvartis.
    3. Gokul A. Tear lipid supplement prophylaxis against dry eye in adverse environment 2018.
    4. Silverstein S, Yeu E, Tauber J, et al. Symptom Relief Following a Single Dose of Propylene Glycol-Hydroxypropyl Guar Nanoemulsion in Patients with Dry Eye Disease: A Phase IV, Multicenter Trial. Clin Ophthalmol. 2020;14:3167-3177.
    5. Rangarajan et al. J Ocul Pharmacol Th. 2019; 35(1): 32-37 (Sponsored by Novartis).
    6. Jones L, et al. Ocul Surf 2017;15:575–628.
    7. Alcon Data on File, Study CDMGD0012401 (available on request).
    8. TFOS DEWS II 2017


    ©2022 Alcon Laboratories Pty Ltd. AUS: 1800 224 153; Auckland NZ: 0800 101 106.



    All content on this website is for informational purposes only, always talk to your health professional regarding your eye health or medical conditions.