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This is the Advanced ULTRAVIT™ Beveled High Speed Probe.
Designed for closer access.
This is the Advanced ULTRAVIT™ Beveled High Speed Probe.
Designed for closer access.
Engineered for Surgical Versatility
Bevel Tip Allows Improved Access to Tissue Plane1*
With its bevel tip design, the Advanced ULTRAVIT™ probe reduces port-to-surface distance, allowing for closer proximity to the retina and improved access to the tissue plane.1*
*Advanced ULTRAVIT™ Vitrectomy Probe compared with ULTRAVIT™ Vitrectomy Probe
Reduced Retinal Traction for Greater Surgical Stability2,3
Advanced ULTRAVIT™ offers a dual-pneumatic high-speed cut rate of 10,000 CPM, resulting in reduced retinal traction for greater stability during surgical procedures.2,3
Improved Port Open Time for Faster Vitreous Removal4,5
Due to its improved port open time, Advanced ULTRAVIT™ increases flow rate and provides faster vitreous removal.5
Comparative performance of Advanced ULTRAVIT™ 10,000 cpm and ULTRAVIT™ 7,500 cpm 25 Gauge probes at their maximum cut rates.5
The 25+™ Gauge Advanced ULTRAVIT™ 10K cutter delivers a significantly higher flow rate than the ULTRAVIT™ 23G 7.5K cutter.4*
Clinical Support
Instructions for Use (IFU)
For a full list of indications, contraindications and warnings, please visit and refer to the relevant product’s instructions for use.
Alcon Experience Academy
For relevant training content from industry thought leaders
1. Alcon Data on File, REF-03769, 2017.
2. Alcon Data on File, REF-01978, 2018.
3. Alcon Data on File, REF-00398, 2018.
4. Alcon Data on File, REF-00387, 2017.
5. Alcon Data on File, REF-00400, 2017.
Medical Devices manufactured by Alcon comply with all applicable laws and regulations. For indications, contraindications, warnings and serious incidents please refer to the relevant product’s direction for use or operator manuals.