Weekly Replacement Contact Lenses
Weekly replacement contact lenses offer balance between convenience and value. Designed for seven days of wear, they require simple nightly cleaning and provide a fresh, comfortable fit all week long.

Get a Free* Trial of Weekly Replacement Contact Lenses and Exclusive Offers
Create an Alcon My Offers account today and gain access to free* trials for contact lenses, and coupons for over-the-counter eye care products.
*Eye exam may be required before lens trial. Professional fees may apply. Offer available at participating offices.

Weekly Replacement Contact Lenses

PRECISION7® is the only one-week lens that offers 16 hours of outstanding comfort and precise vision even at day 7. All at an affordable price.

PRECISION7® is the 1-week toric lens with ACTIV-FLO® technology, containing water-loving elements to maximize surface moisture over a 7-day period.
Outsmart Digital Device Dryness
Spending long hours looking at screens?
Our lenses are designed to help address discomfort associated with lower blink rates, called Digital Device Dryness.
Comfort Inspired Contact Lens Care
Discover how our solutions clean, disinfect, and hydrate lenses for added comfort.
From Multi-Purpose Solutions to Hydrogen Peroxide-Based Solutions, talk to your doctor about the right product for you.

Frequently Asked Questions about Weekly Replacement Contact Lenses
Weekly replacement contact lenses are designed to be worn daily or overnight for a full 7 day week before being replaced.
Daily Disposable Contact Lenses are single-use, no cleaning required, new pair every day. Weekly Replacement Contact Lenses are worn for up to 7 days.
Important safety information
See product instructions for complete wear, care and safety information.
*Eye exam may be required before lens trial. Professional fees may apply. Offer available at participating offices.
Important information for PRECISION7® (serafilcon A) contact lenses: For daily wear or extended wear up to 6 nights for near/far-sightedness. Risk of serious eye problems (i.e., corneal ulcer) is greater for extended wear. In rare cases, loss of vision may result. Side effects like discomfort, mild burning or stinging may occur.