The lens for your patients to start in and stay in
Leveraging the technology of DAILIES TOTAL1™, the first and only Water Gradient contact lens, Alcon created PRECISION1™ contact lenses with SMARTSURFACE® Technology.
*In vitro measurements of unworn lenses.
**May use other proprietary wetting agents or other surface treatments to improve wettability, softness and comfort.
PRECISION1™ is designed to combat the top three causes of new wearer dropout
SMARTSURFACE® Technology for superior lens-surface moisture stability7-9*
In in vitro studies, PRECISION1™ contact lenses demonstrated superior lens-surface moisture stability vs. ACUVUE^ OASYS 1-DAY, Biotrue^ ONEday, 1-DAY ACUVUE^ MOIST, clariti^ 1 day and MyDay^ contact lenses.7-9*
*Based on in vitro studies wherein wettability was measured using the iDDrop System. All lenses were tested in an identical manner, soaked in a PBS (phosphate-buffered saline solution) for 16 hours +/- 2 hours (p<0.001).
Give your new wearers a lens that can help them transform into lifetime wearers
Meet the 3 core wants of new wearers
Over 95% of eyes
achieved 20/20 vision or better6
for great overall comfort4,6
Decreased chair time and less patient dropout may be achievable with contact lenses that are easier to handle
*Based on the mean subjective ratings on a scale of 1 (Poor) to 10 (Excellent) for overall vision, overall comfort and overall handling in subjects wearing PRECISION1™ contact lenses from a clinical study, measured at three-month follow-up visit; n=105.
PRECISION1™ is superior to 1-DAY ACUVUE^ MOIST on end of day vision, comfort and overall handling10*
Wearers rated PRECISION1™ significantly higher than 1-DAY ACUVUE^ MOIST on:
*Based on mean subjective ratings on a scale of 1 (Poor) to 10 (Excellent), from a prospective, randomized, bilateral crossover, double-masked, controlled clinical trial of PRECISION1™ and 1-DAY ACUVUE^ MOIST contact lenses; p<0.0001; n=92.
Nearly 5x more wearers “strongly preferred”
PRECISION1™ Technical Specifications
Talk to your Alcon representative to learn more about PRECISION1™.
^Trademarks are the property of their respective owners
1. Thekveli S, Qui Y, Kapoor Y, et al. Structure-property relationship of delefilcon A lenses. Contact Lens Anterior Eye. 2012;35(Suppl 1):e14.
2. Angelini TE, Nixon RM, Dunn AC, et al. Viscoelasticity and mesh-size at the surface of hydrogels characterized with microrheology. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2013;54:E-abstract 500.
3. Pitt WG, Jack DR, Zhao Y, Nelson JL, Pruitt JD. Loading and release of a phospholipid from contact lenses. Optom Vis Sci. 2011;88(4):502-506.
4. Alcon data on file, 2019.
5. Sulley A, Young G, Hunt C, McCready S, Targett MT, Craven R. Retention rates in new contact lens wearers. Eye Contact Lens. 2018;44(Suppl1):S273-S282.
6. Cummings S, Giedd B, Pearson C. Clinical performance of a new daily disposable spherical contact lens. Poster presented at American Academy of Optometry Annual Meeting and 3rd World Congress of Optometry; October 23-27, 2019; Orlando, FL.
7. Tucker B, Leveillee E, Bauman E, Subbaraman L. Characterization of the Surface Properties of a Novel Daily Disposable Silicone Hydrogel Contact Lens. Poster presented at the 2019 American Academy of Optometry Annual Conference, October 23-26; Orlando FL.
8. IDDrop Comparative Study DACP and BioTrue ONEday Report; Alcon data on file, 2019.
9. IDDrop Comparative Study Oasys 1 Day and TruEye; Alcon data on file, 2019.
10. Alcon data on file, 2019.
11. Alcon data on file, 2019; p≤0.0001.
12. Alcon data on file, 2016.
13. In a study where n=78 eyes; Alcon data on file, 2020.
See instructions for use for wear, care, precautions, warnings, contraindications and adverse effects.
Exclusive Use For Health Care Professionals