Real stories from Clareon® IOL patients
Hear how others are seeing the world clearly after cataract surgery
Your vision is an important part of your health and active lifestyle. Hear firsthand from real patients as they describe their Clareon® Intraocular Lens experiences. Gain greater confidence with your decision as you move closer to achieving your vision goals.
Hear what patients are saying about the Clareon® PanOptix® Lens
“I couldn’t have been more pleased. I have not worn my glasses or contacts once since my first surgery.1,2”
Hear what patients are saying about the Clareon® Vivity® IOL
“I have such a huge difference in the vividness of the colors I’m able to see. It’s actually quite surprising. It does make a difference in my everyday life.”
Hear what patients are saying about the Clareon® PanOptix® Lens
“I have near vision, and I have far vision.2 It has given me confidence in my visual ability.”
Hear what patients are saying about the Clareon® Vivity® Lens
“I remember looking around, seeing the trees and I could see the texture of the leaves in the trees.”
Patients Love PanOptix®
In a clinical study, 129 patients were asked about their experience with the PanOptix® Lens.

Of patients with the Clareon PanOptix lens would choose the same lens again.2

Of patients with the Clareon PanOptix lens would recommend it to family and friends.2
Patients Love Vivity®
In a clinical study, 106 patients were asked about their experience with the Vivity® Lens.

Reported that they were satisfied with their vision.2

of patients reported rarely or never needing eyeglasses or contacts at distance.3
Patient reviews of Clareon® Lenses*
“I have to admit I was nervous about having a presbyopia-correcting IOL but I'm very happy. The surgeon discussed all the options available; however, when the surgeon talked to me about Vivity®, and how it provides an extended range [of vision] without the glare and halos associated with diffractive lenses,4 I decided to proceed with this option. It's an amazing invention! The range [of vision] feels continuous3,4 and I still use glasses for near [vision] at work during the week, but on weekends I don't use them at all. The color and contrast are great too”*
Dr. Janine Hobson
Ophthalmologist and Vivity® IOL patient
“It was everything that I had hoped for and expected it to be. After cataract surgery, I feel younger. Now my vision is much brighter and sharper.4 I feel like I used to when I could see and participate in everything in my life. If I had known the results were going to be so positive, I would have done it much sooner. It's wonderful. It's been a game changer for me.”*
Vivity® patient

“I had to constantly look for my glasses. It was really frustrating and annoying. I had like six or seven pairs. After 25 years, I no longer have to wear glasses for anything that I do.1,2 Not having to take those reading glasses on and off during cooking and baking and reading recipes is great. I would say that it was the best decision I've ever made and if anybody is considering PanOptix® lenses, I 100% recommend it. It's made me feel wonderful. I love my new eyes and it was the best thing I've ever done. My cooking has probably not improved but my eyesight definitely has!”*
PanOptix® patient
“I’ve worn glasses since I was in 3rd grade. This has absolutely been life altering for me. They said that I was 20/20 every single distance that they tested.2 I was just thrilled. I don't ever wear glasses at all.1,2 I drive anytime I want to now. I'm just so happy to be free, and I'm so thankful for it. Here I am…70 years old…and I have new eyes.”*
PanOptix® patient
“I'm a commercial licensed pilot. I'm also a columnist for my own magazine. The nighttime driving really was a stopper. Now I take for granted that I can read the signs…that I can drive at night. It does provide freedom. I have near vision, I have middle vision, and I have far vision.2 It has given me confidence in my visual ability.”*
PanOptix® patient
Lead the Conversation
You have options when it comes to your intraocular lenses. Lead the conversation with your doctor to understand the cataract lens choice that’s right for you.
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Use our Cataract Surgeon Finder tool to locate a surgeon near you who offers a range of IOL options

CAUTION: Restricted by law to sale by or on the order of a physician.
DESCRIPTION: The Clareon® Family of Lenses are artificial lenses implanted in the eye of adult patients following cataract surgery. The Clareon® Aspheric Hydrophobic Acrylic IOLs are designed to allow for clear distance vision. However, you will likely still need glasses for reading and for distance vision particularly if you already have astigmatism. The Clareon® PanOptix® Trifocal Hydrophobic IOL is a type of multifocal lens (sometimes called “presbyopia-correcting IOL”) designed to allow for clear distance, intermediate, and near vision with the potential to be more independent of the need to use glasses for daily tasks. The Clareon® Vivity® Extended Vision Hydrophobic Posterior Chamber IOL provides clear distance vision, and better intermediate and some near vision compared to a monofocal IOL. The Clareon® Aspheric Toric, Clareon® PanOptix® Toric, and Clareon® Vivity® Toric IOLs are also designed to correct pre-existing corneal astigmatism, which is the inability of the eye to focus clearly at any distance because of difference curvatures on the cornea, and provide distance vision.
WARNINGS / PRECAUTIONS: You may experience and need to contact your eye doctor immediately if you have any of the following symptoms after cataract surgery: itching, redness, watering of your eye, sensitivity to light. The safety and effectiveness of these IOLs have not been established in patients with eye conditions, such as an increase in eye pressure (glaucoma) or complications of diabetes in the eye (diabetic retinopathy). As with any surgical procedure, there are risks involved. These risks may include but are not limited to infection, damage to the lining of the cornea, the retinal layer which lines the inside back wall of your eye may become separated from the tissue next to it (retinal detachment), inflammation or swelling inside or outside the eye, damage to the iris (the colored diaphragm around the pupil), or an increase in eye pressure that cannot be controlled by medicine and secondary surgical procedure. There is a possibility that the IOL may be placed incorrectly or could move within the eye. This may result in less improvement or a reduction in vision, or it may cause visual symptoms. The Clareon® Aspheric Toric, Clareon® PanOptix® Toric, and Clareon® Vivity® Toric IOLs correct astigmatism only when placed in the correct position in the eye. There is a possibility that these Toric IOLs could be placed incorrectly or could move within the eye. This may result in less improvement or a reduction in vision because your astigmatism has not been fully corrected, or it may cause visual symptoms. With the Clareon® PanOptix® and Clareon® Vivity® IOLs, there may be a loss of sharpness of your vision that may become worse in dim light or in foggy conditions. There is also a possibility that you may have some visual effects such as rings or circles (halos) around lights at night. You may also have trouble seeing street signs due to bright lights or glare from oncoming headlights.
ATTENTION: As with any surgical procedure, there are risks involved. Prior to surgery, ask your eye doctor to provide you with the Patient Information Brochure for the lens to be implanted. This Brochure which will inform you of the risks and benefits associated with the IOL. Discuss any questions about possible risks and benefits associated with your eye doctor.
1. Zhu D, Ren S, Mills K, Hull J, Dhariwal M. Rate of Complete Spectacle Independence with a Trifocal Intraocular Lens: A Systematic Literature Review and Meta-Analysis. Ophthalmol Ther. 2023;12(2):1157-1171.
2. Clareon® PanOptix® Trifocal Hydrophobic Acrylic IOL Model CNWTT0 2021 Directions for Use.
3. Alcon Data On File, 2019.
4. Clareon® Vivity® Extended Vision Hydrophobic IOL (CNWET0) Directions for Use – USA.