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Wurde bei Ihnen der Graue Star diagnostiziert?

Der Graue Star (Katarakt) ist eine normale Alterserscheinung. Zusammen mit der Beratung durch Ihren Augenarzt helfen Ihnen die folgenden Informationen, sich über die nächsten Schritte klar zu werden.

Müssen Sie sich wegen des Grauen Stars Sorgen machen?

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Eine normale Alterserscheinung

Die meisten Menschen über 65 Jahren entwickeln einen Grauen Star.

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Sie haben verschiedene Möglichkeiten

Sie müssen eine wichtige Entscheidung darüber treffen, welches Sehvermögen Sie nach einer Kataraktoperation erreichen wollen.



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Cross and Shield Icon

Highly Successful

Die Kataraktoperation ist einer der erfolgreichsten chirurgischen Eingriffe aller Zeiten.1

Welches Sehvermögen wünschen Sie nach dem Eingriff?

Je nachdem, für welche Intraokularlinse (IOL) Sie sich entscheiden, kann durch die Kataraktoperation Ihr Sehvermögen so verbessert werden, dass Ihnen die Dinge, die Sie gerne tun, wie z.B. Lesen, Reisen, oder Wandern wieder leichter fallen!


Eine IOL ist eine Kunstlinse, die Ihre natürliche, durch den Grauen Star eingetrübte Linse ersetzt. Die Wahl der IOL kann dazu beitragen, dass Sie nach der Kataraktoperation weniger abhängig von Ihrer Brille oder sogar brillenfrei sind.2 Daher ist es wichtig, dass Sie die verschiedenen IOL-Optionen bereits vor dem Eingriff mit Ihrem Chirurgen besprechen, damit Ihre Erwartungen an Ihre Sehkraft bestmöglich erfüllt werden können. Ihr Sehvermögen ist ein wichtiger Teil Ihrer Gesundheit und Ihres aktiven Lebensstils.

Vergleichen Sie die Bilder unten, um herauszufinden, welche IOL-Option die richtige für Sie ist!

Schauen Sie sich die Optionen für Ihr Sehvermögen genauer an

Cataract Chart

Alcon’s trusted and proven AcrySof® IQ IOL platform has been implanted in more than 125 million eyes globally.5

Intraocular lenses (IOLs) are used in cataract surgery to replace the natural lens of the eye. Extraction of a cataract and replacement with an IOL will require surgery and all surgery carries risks. Please consult your eye care professional to determine if this product is right for you. Reduced dependence on spectacles is a potential secondary benefit of using IOLs – individual patient results may vary.

Hear what real patients are saying about their lens (IOL) choices


“Since my surgery, I don’t need glasses in my day-to-day life at all.”



“I would rate it 10 out of 10 in all conditions, whether it be night or day.”


Intraocular lenses (IOLs) are used in cataract surgery to replace the natural lens of the eye. Extraction of a cataract and replacement with an IOL will require surgery and all surgery carries risks. Please consult your eye care professional to determine if this product is right for you. Reduced dependence on spectacles is a potential secondary benefit of using IOLs – individual patient results may vary. If you experience any symptoms, consult your eye care professional as the symptoms may be a sign of other eye problems.

What are cataracts?

A cataract is a clouding of the eye’s natural lens, making it difficult for light to enter your eye, as if looking out a foggy window.6

With cataracts, you may experience
symptoms such as:


Man and Woman visiting the eye doctor

Are cataracts normal? 

Cataracts occur naturally as you get older, developing gradually over time. The only way to treat cataracts is through cataract surgery.6


Since the onset of cataract symptoms is typically slow and gradual, many patients discover the beginnings of a cataract during a routine eye examination before they even notice any changes to their vision.



Intraocular lenses (IOLs) are used in cataract surgery to replace the natural lens of the eye. Extraction of a cataract and replacement with an IOL will require surgery and all surgery carries risks. Please consult your eye care professional to determine if this product is right for you. If you experience any symptoms, consult your eye care professional as the symptoms may be a sign of other eye problems.

What happens during cataract surgery?
Did you know that cataract surgery is a routine, day-surgery procedure that lasts around 30 minutes?

During surgery, your doctor will replace your cataract with an IOL

You will receive local anesthetics to numb the area around your eye and you may be given a sedative to help you relax.7

Man and Woman visiting the eye doctor

Recovery after cataract surgery is usually very quick

Within a few days most patients can return to their daily activities, with vision improving over time.7

Woman painting a picture

After surgery, your doctor will monitor the healing process

Eye drops may be prescribed to prevent infection or reduce inflammation. Patients usually see their ophthalmologist a day or two after surgery, the following week, and then again after one month.7

Man and woman meeting with an eye doctor

Intraocular lenses (IOLs) are used in cataract surgery to replace the natural lens of the eye. Extraction of a cataract and replacement with an IOL will require surgery and all surgery carries risks. Please consult your eye care professional to determine if this product is right for you.

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Lead the conversation with your doctor to understand the IOL choice that’s right for you! options!


Intraocular lenses (IOLs) are used in cataract surgery to replace the natural lens of the eye. Extraction of a cataract and replacement with an IOL will require surgery and all surgery carries risks. Please consult your eye care professional to determine if this product is right for you.